In the past, I have led multiple 21 day wilderness expeditions across Australia as an outdoor educator. I have worked as a carpenter and more recently, a project manager building multi townhouse construction sites.
I enjoy surfing, breathwork, being active, personal growth and connecting with others.
I came accross ‘conscious connected breathwork’ as a way to help me manage my stress levels with work. Breathwork is an effective practise to help gain clarity, set goals, connect with yourself, and to process challenging situations in life. In my personal and professional life, I have experienced first hand how powerful this tool is.
We all have the answers within ourselves, and I am committed to helping you access them through breathwork and coaching.
Jack Synnott

In the past, I have led multiple 21 day wilderness expeditions across Australia as an outdoor educator. I have worked as a carpenter and more recently, a project manager building multi townhouse construction sites.
I enjoy surfing, breathwork, being active, personal growth and connecting with others.
I came accross ‘conscious connected breathwork’ as a way to help me manage my stress levels with work. Breathwork is an effective practise to help gain clarity, set goals, connect with yourself, and to process challenging situations in life. In my personal and professional life, I have experienced first hand how powerful this tool is.
We all have the answers within ourselves, and I am committed to helping you access them through breathwork and coaching.